What is shadow work, is one of the first questions I am asked to those new to the term, however, to understand what...
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Why is having a breakdown essential to having a breakthrough?When we engage with life, with our learning process, w...
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How many times have you judged someone for being too fat, too thin, too good, too bad, too controlling, too weak, t...
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Have you ever got to that point when you think what is the fucking point? I’ve done all this work, I’ve come so far...
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How many times has the Crone within me been ostracized by society?How many times has she been on the outside lookin...
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How many times did the Mother in me, reject being a Mother?How many times did she abandon herself, her projects, he...
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How many times did the Maiden in me give herself away freely, only to feel dirty and ashamed afterwards?
How many t...
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Transforming the Shadow of the Sacred Trinity of Woman – our Maiden, Mother, and Crone, is no easy feat.
It is a jo...
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Rejection runs through our veins. It drips from our existence like a polluted river and touches the cage of our hea...
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It can be a challenge to find our voice, to speak consciously from our heart, to be heard for the truth of who we a...
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- The awakening to an unconscious pattern, the exploration and...
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My journey through the vast darkness of abandonment has been long, hard and bloody painful. Yet it is the one aspec...
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