The Fragmented Soul and Shadow Work

The Fragmented Soul and Shadow Work

When we feel disconnected, dis-harmony or dis-ease, or we are experiencing internal conflict, separation or the deep sense that something is missing, this is our intuition communicating the imbalances caused by the fragmentation of our soul.

Where in your life do you feel disconnected, separated, or like something is missing?

The fragmented soul is an evolutionary concept of how the wounding, trauma, and conditioning we are exposed to causes separation from our true nature and fragments our soul as a result.

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Your patterns are messages. Your triggers are guides. Your emotions are portals. Step into the sacred work of deep self-discovery


Scattered into pieces, each fragment contains the moment the separation occurred and also the gifts, strengths, talents, and personal power that also became separated at the same time.

In Shamanic traditions, it is the role of the Shaman or Shamanic Healer to alter their state of consciousness and journey to the other worlds beyond the veil and work with their spirit guides to find and restore these fragments and return them to the person/client seeking them.

It is a deep healing practice of returning the soul and the self to wholeness, re-membering those parts of ourselves that we have become separated and disconnected from as a result of the pain and suffering we experienced.

In this episode of The Feminine Principle Podcast, we explore the journey of the fragmented soul and its relationship to Shadow Work and the steps we can take to remember our own soul back home. I share with you my own experience through my Shamanic Roots and Soul Retrieval and how this fundamentally changed my life and my own soul’s journey.

With Love,
Nicola x

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