On our path of awakening to the deeper self, we focus on the power of manifesting on the New Moon, illuminating what is hidden on the Full Moon and letting go on the Dark Moon. However, two lunar phases hold equally valuable wisdom unlocking deeper layers of self-discovery - those of the quarter moons.
When the First Quarter Moon and the Last Quarter Moon are included in our lunar cycle journey we are given a valuable shadow work tool that will help us navigate the complexities of life, love and relationships on our quest towards self-actualization and wholeness.
The quarter moon phases are the bridges we need to bring deeper meaning and understanding to our personal and spiritual development. They provide essential questions to help us dig deeper and complete vital stages of our evolution before moving forward.
By consciously working with all phases of the lunar cycle, we transform it into a map for revealing, healing, and integrating the unconscious, shadow aspects of ourselves. This approach empowers us to step into our role as conscious creators of our reality, rather than being swept along by its currents.
For over 20 years, I've consciously aligned with the lunar cycle, particularly in navigating my menstrual cycle, and for the past decade, I’ve used it extensively as a guide on my shadow work journey.
Take Your Shadow Work to the Next Level
Your patterns are messages. Your triggers are guides. Your emotions are portals. Step into the sacred work of deep self-discovery
The First Quarter Moon Phase: A Moment of Challenge
At the New Moon, we set our intentions envisioning what we want to create, achieve, and experience in the coming weeks.
But have you ever noticed a disruption in this process?
Your best intentions seem to get lost amidst the daily chaos, and before you know it another lunar cycle has passed and you’ve manifested more of the same old patterns.
This is a very common experience. Around the First Quarter Moon, we often encounter a significant challenge. Astrologers sometimes call this the ‘Crisis in Action,’ but it's more accurately viewed as a moment of friction—a point where we are confronted with a fear, a block, or something that seems to obstruct our path and hinder the manifestation of our intentions.
It can feel like something is preventing us from taking the necessary steps forward.
It’s natural for feelings of frustration to be triggered at this point and we may try to force solutions by reverting to old patterns, beliefs and behaviours that no longer work or serve our highest and greatest good.
This is why we sometimes feel caught up in chaos rather than trusting the process and allowing things to unfold naturally.
However, by consciously attuning to this moment of challenge and asking, 'What is this challenge I am experiencing?', we can begin to uncover the hidden blocks and the deeper patterns they represent. This ‘block’ is actually nudging us to pay attention to what needs healing and integration into our conscious awareness.
It provides valuable clues about the inner work that will enable us to manifest what we intended at the New Moon. By paying attention and working with this energy, we can transform obstacles into opportunities for growth and alignment
The Full Moon Phase: Illumination
When we mindfully engage with the challenges and emotional layers presented at the First Quarter Moon rather than reacting unconsciously a clearer picture begins to emerge illuminated at the Full Moon. It is at this point we gain a fuller understanding of what our challenges and their related patterns truly represent.
The Full Moon is a time when everything feels heightened and intense. All aspects of our inner world burst into full view under the radiant light of Lady Luna. We may feel super sensitive to everything and everyone around us and if we haven't been paying close attention, it's easy to become triggered, allowing our wounded, unconscious self to take over.
However, this intensity also represents a powerful moment of creative tension, where two opposing forces come into play:
- The part of us that seeks safety and security in the familiar, even if those familiar patterns are rooted in limiting beliefs and behaviours that we identified at the First Quarter Moon. This part fears the unknown and resists change.
- The higher self or the Dark Feminine archetype, which urges us to delve deeper into the complexity of our wounds, step into the unknown, and bring all aspects of ourselves into the light. This allows us to reclaim the gifts, wisdom, and understanding needed to manifest our original intentions.
By consciously observing and becoming aware of what is triggered within us during the Full Moon, we make a choice to evolve. We choose healing and integration over reverting to old patterns. We acknowledge the discomfort of growth and recognize that by working with our emotional triggers we are able to make new and more beneficial choices for ourselves.
This conscious engagement propels us toward the Last Quarter Moon, carrying with us the insights and self-awareness gained during this illuminating phase.
The Last Quarter Moon Phase: A Turning Point in Awareness
The Last Quarter Moon phase marks a significant turning point in awareness, often described as a ‘shift in consciousness.’ In essence, it signals that we can no longer move forward carrying old wounds and the limiting beliefs, behaviours, and patterns that stem from them. This is a time for deep introspection and realization.
If we've been paying attention to our inner world throughout the lunar cycle, we’ll likely experience a notable shift in consciousness now. The once-invisible mechanisms of our psyche begin to dismantle what no longer serves us, creating space for something new. It can feel like a powerful ‘aha’ moment of awakening, where the clouds of confusion suddenly dissipate, and a bright clarity shines through.
Suddenly, things make sense in a way they didn't before. We might realize:
- How we've been behaving to meet unconscious needs.
- That our belief system was formed from past wounds and doesn't reflect our true self.
- The patterns we keep repeating originate from wounds that were never fully processed.
This turning point in awareness can feel unsettling because it propels us into uncharted territory. We're navigating a process of separation from the familiar comfort zone of our unconscious wounds and patterns as we finally process what we've experienced on every level—emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually.
From this point forward, there's no going back to the old ways. We can only move forward, which can feel daunting, but it's absolutely necessary for our evolution.
It's this shift in consciousness at the Last Quarter Moon that leads us into the Dark Moon phase of the lunar cycle. This phase provides a sacred space for ritual—a moment to consciously acknowledge, accept, and release everything we've unearthed that no longer serves us, setting the stage for the next cycle and a new inner work journey with the following New Moon
The Quarter Moon phases are more than just markers in time; they are powerful keys to unlocking the profound wisdom hidden within the depths of our unconscious. These pivotal moments illuminate a path of integration, guiding us to bridge the gap between the intentions we set and the reality we manifest. By consciously working with these phases, we transform limiting beliefs and behaviors into awakened wisdom and empowered action.
These phases serve as our allies in the alchemical process of evolution. The challenges presented by the Quarter Moons remind us that true growth lies not in bypassing our perceived 'darkness,' but in embracing it with open arms and using it for our evolution. It’s in these moments of friction that we discover the potential for profound transformation.
By attuning to this deeper level of the moon's energy, we reclaim our power as conscious creators. We consciously weave our intentions into the fabric of reality, creating lasting change from the inside out, both individually and collectively. The Quarter Moons teach us to honour the entire cycle, not just the highlights, and to see every phase as an essential part of our unfolding journey.
With love,
Nicola x