Shadow Work and The Vibration of Love

Shadow Work and the Vibration of Love

Shadow Work is so much more than just healing and integration. Yes these are the corner stones of the inner journey we take to reveal the truth of who we are, but the frequency that underlies all shadow work is the frequency of love.

Love of the self, love of others, love of this truly amazing world we live in.

Yet to learn how to love and be loved, is one of the most challenging aspects of our human nature, because we are surrounded by so much conflict and pain, internally and externally and try as we might to separate the two it can feel like a monumental task.

Love is the path to intimacy.

To know ourselves intimately opens the way to be intimate with others, and intimate with the world around us.

However, the path to love and intimacy reveals so many tender aspects of the self we have buried in our shadows to stay safe, to be loved and to be accepted.

Tender aspects we have hidden deep in the heart, protecting them fiercely with barbed wire and strong walls of behaviours, belief systems and renegade patterns.

Each aspect has a story, a wound, a root, that needs one thing…..LOVE.

Working with the vibration of love, we give ourselves permission to see, hear and feel these tender aspects of our nature. We allow them to tell their story without judgement and criticism. We allow them to know we are here, and we are listening. Nothing more, nothing less.

With this level of awareness, we are de-armouring the heart, and allowing the light of love to shine through.



This is why I love shadow work.

This is why every morning, I reflect upon my dreams, listen to the movements in the cosmos, allow the moon to guide me through the cycles of my own life, respond to the language of my body and my actions in the world and with others.

Because every nugget of wisdom I receive is an invitation to commune with my shadow, soul and psyche and an opportunity to welcome, embody and embrace more love into my life.

And this is priceless.

And so, I want to share this loving gentle way I approach Shadow Work to help you bring more love into your own life and relationships with HARMONY - The Ultimate Shadow Work Bundle.

More love to be yourself and not your wounds.

More love to love and be loved in healthy and authentic way.

More love to express your deepest desires, your greatest gifts, and your unquestionable sense of innate power and potential.

I invite you to give yourself the gift of love and awaken to all the possibilities that love can bring.

With Love,
Nicola x

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