Ayurveda For Women’s Health

Ayurveda For Women’s Health

Ayurveda for women’s health helps us to listen intuitively to our body’s natural rhythm and supports our return to our true nature.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to listen deeply to your body?

To get out of the box of trying to fit into the box of how everyone else expects you to look, eat and feel?

We had our first experiential workshop in The Dark Womb with Veena Kumari, Ayurvedic Practitioner focusing on Ayurveda for Women’s Health, and oh boy, what a class!

Take Your Shadow Work to the Next Level

Your patterns are messages. Your triggers are guides. Your emotions are portals. Step into the sacred work of deep self-discovery


In a short space of time, she helped us remove the confusion of the doshas and had us listening intuitively to our body’s, helping us to identify what was in and out of balance through:

The emotions that are currently prevalent in our lives.

The deep-seated patterns that are coming to the surface to be acknowledged, healed and integrated

The senses and the foods we are craving and have an aversion to

The aspects of our lifestyle that simply do not in align with our innate nature

The mental activity we are naturally good at and drawn to

It was such a powerful session as we were finally given the tools to reconnect with our innate nature and listen on a much deeper level in a way that explained how supportive Ayurveda for women’s health can be.

For me personally, I learned how the energies of hate and jealousy (an imbalance of Pitta and lack of digestive fire) I was exposed to from a young age have kept me in the darkness, always fearing the judgement of others and therefore preventing me from being visible.

I recognised through Shadow Work how this is now coming to the surface, as being visible and ‘putting myself out there’ is a key component of birthing the true beauty of The Feminine Principle and how this one debilitating pattern has had an impact on every aspect of life, from earning an income to putting a roof over my head and meeting my needs.

What I also learned was that without this digestive fire on a physical level to now transform these energies and finally lay them to rest I will continue to find it challenging to manifest my dreams and desires.

We all took so much away from this 2-hr live session, and along with the workbook and some tools, we can deepen into the practice of listening to our deeper, intuitive selves and start to take action to bring back into alignment our innate ability to live healthy, wealthy and balanced lives.

How about you? How different would your life be if you were able to listen intuitively to your body and respond in a healthy and supportive way?

How is your current relationship with your body?

How is your physical, emotional, mental, sexual and spiritual health?

What areas of your life are you being called to bring back into balance?

With love,
Nicola x

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