Shadow Work for Women Course - Awaken - Shadow Work Tools
AWAKEN - Shadow Work Course
Shadow Work for Women Course - Serenity - Acceptance and Rejection
SERENITY Acceptance and Rejection Shadow Work Course 2
Shadow Work for Women Course - Liberate - Money Mindset

HARMONY - Shadow Work Course Bundle


Unlock Your Hidden Potential with Three Powerful Shadow Work for Women Audio Courses:

AWAKEN: Harnessing Shadow Work for Empowered Living ($47)

SERENITY: Embracing Acceptance & Rejection for Radical Self-Discovery ($47)

LIBERATE: A Magical Journey to Master Your Money Mindset ($47)

Our Transformative Self-Discovery Bundle is designed to guide you through a profound journey, helping you to:

  • Navigate, unlock and learn from your shadow as a tool for empowered living
  • Empower and deepen your self-discovery journey
  • Experience radical change in your life and relationships
  • Expand your self-awareness and change your perception
  • Reveal, heal and integrate your limiting beliefs, behaviours and unconscious patterns 
  • Redefine the relationship you have with yourself and others
  • Rewrite your money story and upgrade your money mindset
  • Thrive, grow and create a life you love



  • Feel held back by unaddressed fears and unresolved past experiences
  • Need help to uncover and integrate the hidden aspects of your being
  • Want to embrace and transform your shadow aspects into sources of strength and empowerment
  • Are ready to uncover hidden limiting beliefs, behaviours and patterns that keep you going around in a vicious cycle
  • Transform past pain into personal power to create a life you love
  • Break out of the struggle you have with self-acceptance and the fear of rejection
  • Find peace amidst life’s challenges
  • Develop resilience and emotional balance
  • Cultivate a deeper understanding and acceptance of yourself
  • Let go of financial worry, stress and anxiety you have about money
  • Insight into unconscious financial beliefs and behaviours
  • Practical steps to shift from scarcity to abundance.




Get started and deepen your shadow work journey with all the tools you need to unlock your relationship with yourself and others, your self-acceptance, and your financial story by:

1. Guided Meditations and Reflective Exercises: These audio courses combine the power of guided meditations and reflective exercises to help you delve into your unconscious mind. Each audio session is crafted to be a sanctuary of calm and insight, allowing you to return to it whenever you face a challenge or need a moment of clarity.

2. Addressing Life's Challenges: If you find yourself struggling with the complexities of life's challenges this bundle provides the tools to navigate through them with ease and grace. It's like having your own shadow work coach in your pocket. 

3. Beyond Shadow Work: While shadow work prompts can offer insight, our shadow work courses provide a structured approach to go deeper. Our sessions are designed to unlock the hidden side of the female psyche in a safe and supportive way, offering you a framework to understand and transform your inner world.

4. Reusable and Versatile: The beauty of our courses lies in their timelessness. Each audio session can be used repeatedly, offering new insights and revelations with every listen. Whether you're facing a new challenge or revisiting old patterns, these meditations will continue to support your growth and self-discovery.

5. Holistic Exploration: The Shadow Work Course Bundle guides you to explore your deeper relationship with your emotional and somatic intelligence, the beliefs and behaviours, wounding and trauma that have created a sense of your identity, and how to unlock your hidden power and potential for integration and change. 

Don't waste another day stuck in a confusing and conflicting relationship with yourself and others, start creating a life you love that brings you love, pleasure and a deep sense of connection and inner balance. 


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